
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Math work

Hi Cairo here and this week for maths we did know multuples 100 and 1000 it is easy to learn.

Blog slide

for writting this week it is like reading but in writting it's about blogger two. I made a screencastify that is the same thing but I didn't talk and it was hard to make.

My blog slide thing

For reading this week we did it about blogger we did screencastify's, poster's and slides.

Math blog

for math this week we did rounding 100 and 1000 I made a slide show on how I understand it. it had an explain slide and a slide with the examples here it is.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Letter to future me

For writting this week we did a letter to are future self from the covide-19 lockdown and
we spent hours trying to make it good. Here is a link to my letter

Have you done a letter to yourself?

math Cast

For math this week we had to do knowing groupings to 1000 and groupings to 1000 is like 
say 650 you'd need to find the number that's going to be added and the would be 300.
then you need the next number would be 50 now it' time to add it all up.


then you add that to the 900 and the would = 1000

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Trini's blog

for wrutting this week I did a info report about my home country trinidad and tobaygo and it had tons of stuff like food flowers and ect. This is the link to my info report