
Friday, March 13, 2020

Keychains for jolly brains

For our P.B.L we did jolly jars and my group made keychains. here is my reflection.
This term, our Project Based Learning (PBL) started with the teachers putting us into groups. In these groups we had to work collaboratively to create Jolly Jars for the school fair. This task helped us to begin exploring our PBL question for the term - How can we build community through our actions? We had to research ideas, be creative with our product, experiment with our materials and write instructions that could be followed by others.
Here is a link to my instructions.

I learnt that instructions need to have doing words and have to be clear to the reader.  And they have to have materials listed and a title.

Reflection on PBL:
For our Jolly Jar my group did keychains.

I contributed to my group by making digital stuff for my group. I also taught others in my group how to share and create links.

Our Jolly Jar was creative because keychains are fun and are easy to make and everyone wants a keychain.

What I learned about working with others is everyone has great ideas and you should never judge them for their ideas.

How did we build community through our actions?
We stuck together even when we didn’t come to an agreement. Our product was a success and they all sold out early. 
here's a photo

have you done a jolly jar?